If You Live to Be a Hundred

“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred [...]

Then We Sat On The Edge

“Then we sat on the edge of the earth, with our feet dangling over the [...]

You Rose Into My Life

“You rose into my life like a promised sunrise, brightening my days with the light [...]

All That I Am

“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” -Abraham [...]

She Was Planted On Earth

“She was planted on earth to bloom in Heaven” – by Unknown Author

The Death of a Baby

“The death of a baby is like a stone cast into the stillness of a [...]

We Can’t Form Our Children

“We can’t form our children on our own concepts; we must take them and love [...]

Children Reinvent

“Children reinvent your world for you.” – Susan Sarandon

My Hope For My Children

“My hope for my children must be that they respond to the still, small voice [...]

Children are God’s Apostles

“Children are God’s Apostles, sent forth, day by day, to preach of love, and hope, [...]

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