Your Heart Will Grow Back Stronger

Blog Post Hospice Stories Your-Heart Will Grow Back Stronger

Cover photo of my mom, Madonna Fox and my son, taken December 11, 2011, at Tidewell Hospice Bradenton.


Ever hear the phrase “your heart will grow back stronger”?

Well, I did and I thought it sounded trite. Until I experience something incredible. If you have read my story about how I became a stay at home mom and hospice caretaker, or how I started Cherished Prints you can head it here.

One day my mom was resting after having to have given her pain medicine and was sitting on the floor of the nursey cry quietly so no one could hear or upset then 11th-month-old son. My heart was breaking I could literally feel a ripping sensation of in my chest. I was breathless and I sobbed.

My beautiful sleepy baby. Take at Hospice of the Comforter on a respite weekend. Xander was sleeping cuddled with my mom.

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Like a lifeline, I pick up my son and held him to my chest. I took a breath of his lovely sweet baby smell and the most incredible thing happened. That ripping sensation stopped and was replaced by warmth and a tingling. While my heart was breaking for my mom my heart was growing for my son. I wasn’t replacing my mom but starting to heal.

Next day the Hospice nurse came to start 24-hour emergency care and I told her about the what happened. She gave the sweetest know smile and she agreed babies are amazing.

Mom’s, cat Sopie on constant vigil with my mom. At home on hospice care with me.

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To this day I don’t know how I would have coped emotionally if I didn’t have my son with me during this time. I built so many special memories of my mom, Xander and I that I hold dear every day. However, this is probably the most special to me. Xander is my miracle. He saved my heart and made me look forward to the future.

Xander the little angel. I love my guys. #baby #daddy #sleeping

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